PLN: Professional Learning Network

@ATSdotedu – The Association of Theological Schools (ATS) accredits and supports a membership of more than 270 seminaries and theological schools in North America.

Keeping up to date with our accreditation organization is important: see COLLOQUY Online .

@FacultyFocus – A free, online publication dedicated to effective teaching strategies for the higher ed classroom.

An excellent resource for insights and advice, especially from Maryellen Weimer, PhD.

@MERLOTorg – MERLOT is a free online community of OER resources for faculty & students of higher education.

A place for sharing eResources and pedagogy that are key to effective online education.

@OLCToday – OLC brings educators, instructors, and
designers together to share digital learning best practices.

The Online Learning Consortium offers workshops, research, and networking events.

@TristanHarris – Co-founder for the Center for Humane Technology (CHT), Ex-Google Design Ethicist, facilitating a regenerative attention economy.

TwitterEducationChats – Education Chat Calendar. #edchats

Denver Seminary and Denver Seminary Alumni – evangelical graduate level theological education.

Connecting with DenSem’s social media communities as a staff member and alumnus.

Chronicle of Higher Education – The leading news source about higher education people, places, and issues.

Stay up-to-date on Facebook or Twitter or subscribe to the email Chronicle newsletter.

Habitat for Humanity – a homeownership program building affordable homes in partnership with low-income families.

A non-profit transforming our cities one house at a time. See Metro Denver Chapter. has a mission to make every scholarly and scientific paper available for free on the internet.

Open source monographs to enhance academic discussion and collaboration.

EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI) – a collaborative community advancing learning through IT innovation.

Professional learning opportunities, online resources, and shared expertise.

eLearning Industry – best collection of eLearning articles, ideas, software, and resources.

The largest online community of eLearning professionals in the industry.

NPR Live Streaming – National Public Radio is a nonprofit, independent, media organization.

Supporting NPR as a reliable news source for a more informed public.

TEDx – brings the spirit of TED’s mission of ideas worth spreading to local communities around the globe.

TEDx events have live speakers organized independently under a free TED license.

Strange Planet Nathan W. Pyle – just for fun!